Disfruta de Cabo de Gata

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Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata - Níjar


Size: Small (250 m)
Average width: 50 ms
Type surface: Fine sand
Surge: Moderate
She is one of best beaches of the zone and Andalusia, by its beauty, his sand, that without being gilded and fine is very pleasant, grown dark
sometimes by the erosion of the basalt, its superb surroundings and its
great geologic beauty, with lava formation falling on the coast and trying
something to us of shade. This beach is described like nudist because
when was prohibited the practice of the naturismo was the unique one where
it was allowed to be naked. The access is rather libre.Un way that is
a pretty excursion as well is to go towards Small Cove, the calita that
is located after morrón of the Genoveses, and instead of crossing
towards her just a little bit to put towards the interior following a
small natural footpath to us on the formation rocky, that will take to
us until the slope of the first cove, that being bordered will lead to
us until the Barronal. The beauty of this place does that enough it is
visited, nevertheless given the impossibility to arrive in car and being
the arduous way never it is finessed. The other form to arrive is to stop
in the track that accedes to Monsul, before arriving the reference is
a stone house there, you will perhaps see some parked car the border of
the track. Later we will cross a long sand way. As we always recommended
to take water, by not having any site close where to supply itself of
the same one, and something of protection for the sun.

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